If you’ve ever used your GPS navigation system in your vehicle or just on your smartphone you know it can pinpoint your location dead on in horizontal space. The same can not be told for altitude though. GPS is not very accurate when it comes to figuring out how high you are. This has been known issue since GPS has been around but finally some research scientists are bringing a solution to the table.
Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, a professor Ohio State University and her colleagues at University of Warmia and Mazury in Poland are developing a software that can bring centimeter accuracy to altitude calculations. It is quite complicated but in the heart of the problem is the atmospheric changes that effect the time it take for GPS signals to reach ground based receivers. So her and her team tested receivers tested some GPS receivers at different altitudes and distances from each other – and tested their in-house software. One of their algorithms provided accurate location, including the height of the receivers, 97% of the time… via, and image.
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